A nobreza galego-portuguesa da diocese de Tui (915-1381).
Anejo 48, 2019, CSIC; Xunta de Galicia, 857 pp.
Abstract: The volume A Nobreza Galego-Portuguesa da Diocese de Tui (915-1381) focuses on the analysis of the political and socio-familial identity of the cross-border aristocracy of the old diocese of Tuy, whose articulation took place in a territorial strip defined by the Portuguese course of the Límia (to the south) and by the Vigo estuary (to the north). This study is also characterized by a long-term reading of frontier sociability, considering from the first restoration of the diocese (915) to the separation of its Portuguese territories (1381), as a consequence of the crisis generated by the "Guerras Fernandinas" and by the Great Western Schism. Based on an in-depth examination of the political and ecclesiastical reality of this cross-border region and of the socio-familial nature of its nobility - which related freely with the powers on both sides of the border - this research reveals a series of primordial socio-political factors that survived the formation of our political borders and that decisively influenced the Portuguese sovereigntist project of the 12th century, becoming with posterity a primitive social reminiscence of the political unity experienced during the centuries prior to Portugal's independence.
How to cite: João Paulo MARTINS FERREIRA, A Nobreza Galego-Portuguesa da Diocese de Tui (915-1381), Santiago de Compostela, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Xunta de Galicia, 2019 (Anejos de Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos, 48).