

The Spanish Constitution, which was approved on December 9, 1931, a few months after the proclamation of the Second Republic, established that the Spanish State would be made up of municipalities grouped into provinces and by the regions that were constituted under a regime of autonomy (art. 8). This regime could be achieved by one or more bordering provinces with common historical, cultural and economic characteristics which agreed to form a political and administrative nucleus within the Spanish State and which would present their corresponding Statute (art. 11). The approval of a statute required, in the first place, that it be proposed by the majority of its City Councils or, at least, those whose Municipalities comprised two thirds of the electoral census of the region (art. 12).

In Galicia, the initiative came from the councilman Enrique Rajoy Leloup who, on March 19, 1932, presented in the city council of Santiago de Compostela an initiative requesting the convocation of a Regional Assembly of City Councils that would elaborate and approve the draft Statute to submit it later to plebiscite and to the sanction of the Cortes. Barely a month later, on April 27, the city council of Compostela, presided over by its mayor Raimundo López Pol, a Republican, agreed to convene an organizing commission in Santiago to carry the project forward. (CORES 1998, 14-15, 19).

Consulted by the organizing committee the other municipalities and with the assent of the vast majority, were summoned to a preparatory assembly: the Deputies to the Cortes for Galicia, the Management Commissions of the four current Galician provinces, the Mayors of the capitals of the Provinces and Judicial Parties, the political parties organized in Galicia, the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, Economic Societies of Friends of the Country, Bar Associations, University, Agricultural and Workers Associations, and, in general, all those elements that were exponents of Galician social life. (IEGPS, Fondo Estatuto de Autonomía de Galicia, box 8).
The Statute of Autonomy of Galicia was approved in a plebiscite by the Galician people on June 28, 1936 and delivered for approval to the president of the Cortes, Diego Martínez Barrio, on July 15, 1936.
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Assembly of Galician City Councils, the Padre Sarmiento Institute of Galician Studies organized an exhibition with the documentary collections kept at the IEGPS and a series of lectures, the texts of which were published in Antón M. PAZOS (ed.), Xuntos por Galicia. A Asemblea de Concellos de 1932 e o Estatuto de Autonomía de Galicia, CSIC, Santiago de Compostela 2009 (Monografías de Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos, 9).


The official documents of the Statute of Autonomy of Galicia (1932-1936) were donated to the Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento by Baldomero Cores Trasmonte (1929-2014).


− Minutes of the constitution of the Drafting Committee of the Galician Statute.
− Announcement of the preparatory meeting on the Galician Statute.
− Attendance at the preparatory meeting on the Galician Statute.
− List of registrations for the popular lunch.
− Preparatory meeting for the Regional Meeting of the Galician City Councils on Autonomy and Formation of the Regional Statute.

− Invitations to attend the preparatory meeting.
− Articles and propaganda of the Statute.
− Amendments to the Statute.
− Adhesions of the majority of the City Councils of Galicia in favor of Autonomy.

More information.
Baldomero CORES TRAMONTE, O Estatuto de Autonomía de Galicia (1932-1936). Os documentos oficiais, Forum Galicia de Estudios Sociales (FOESGA), Santiago de Compostela, 1998.
Antón M. PAZOS (ed.), Xuntos por Galicia. A Asemblea de Concellos de 1932 e o Estatuto de Autonomía de Galicia, CSIC, Santiago de Compostela, 2009 (Monografías de Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos, 9).


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