Scientific Culture

Next activities

IV School Drawing Contest "Debuxando os nosos castelos".

IV School Drawing Contest "Debuxando os nosos castelos".

IV School drawing contest "Debuxando os nosos castelos" framed in the exhibition Os nosos castelos: San Paio de Narla (Science and Technology Week).
Xiá, Friol (Lugo), November 15th to December 16th, 2024 (see rules).

V drawing contest "Xosé Antón García G.-Ledo. Debuxando o noso patrimonio"

V drawing contest "Xosé Antón García G.-Ledo. Debuxando o noso patrimonio"

V drawing contest for schools "Xosé Antón García G.-Ledo. Debuxando o noso patrimonio".
Santiago de Compostela, November 4th to 29th, 2024 (See rules, only in Galician).

Winners 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020

Performed activities

Specialisation seminar by José Ramón Díaz de Durana (Universidad del País Vasco)

Specialisation seminar by José Ramón Díaz de Durana (Universidad del País Vasco)

Specialization seminar by José Ramón Díaz de Durana entitled "Hidalgos e hidalguía en la Corona de Castilla (siglos XIII-XV)" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, July 18, 2024 (poster).

Specialisation seminar by Carmen Manso Porto (Real Academia de la Historia)

Specialisation seminar by Carmen Manso Porto (Real Academia de la Historia)

Specialization seminar by Carmen Manso Porto entitled "El ilustrado José Cornide (1734-1803) y sus mapas de Galicia)" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, June 28, 2024 (poster).

Bibliographic Seminar by José Miguel Andrade Cernadas (USC)

Bibliographic Seminar by José Miguel Andrade Cernadas (USC)

Bibliographic Seminar by José Miguel Andrade Cernadas (USC) entitled "As peregrinacións a Compostela: mito, historia e falsedades", (11:00h.)
Santiago de Compostela, June 25, 2024 (poster).

Seventh session of the IV cycle of IEGPS informative webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

Seventh session of the IV cycle of IEGPS informative webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

“Os de Limia/Lima entre a Galiza e Portugal: trajectórias políticas (séculos XII a XV)”, José Augusto de Sottomayor-Pizarro (U. Porto).
Santiago de Compostela, 21 June, 2024 (poster).

Doctoral seminar by Víctor Rodríguez Muñiz (U. Vigo)

Doctoral seminar by Víctor Rodríguez Muñiz (U. Vigo)

Doctoral seminar by Víctor Rodríguez Muñiz entitled “O monacato feminino na Galicia medieval (1100-1500)” (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, June 11, 2024 (poster).

Open Government Week activities at the IEGPS

Open Government Week activities at the IEGPS

Guided visit to the IEGPS, 10th June, 11:00h.
Doctoral Seminar by Victor Rodríguez Muñiz (U. Vigo), 11th June, 2024 (poster)

Sixth session of the IV cycle of IEGPS dissemination webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

Sixth session of the IV cycle of IEGPS dissemination webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

“Trovadores e política nos finais do século XII e inícios do século seguinte”, José Carlos Ribeiro Miranda ((SMELPS/IF – Universidade do Porto).
Santiago de Compostela, May 24, 2024 (poster).

Specialisation seminar by Leopoldo Fernández Gasalla (IESP Rosalía de Castro & Grupo de investigación "Iacobus", USC)

Specialisation seminar by Leopoldo Fernández Gasalla (IESP Rosalía de Castro & Grupo de investigación "Iacobus", USC)

Specialization seminar by Leopoldo Fernández Gasalla entitled "De pousa a pazo: el proceso de monumentalización de la vivienda nobiliaria en Galicia (siglos XVI-XIX)" (11:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, May 22, 2024 (poster).

Fifth session of the IV cycle of IEGPS dissemination webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

Fifth session of the IV cycle of IEGPS dissemination webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

"El papel de las mujeres en el intercambio cultural entre comunidades religiosas transfronterizas", Mercedes Pérez Vidal (UAM).
Santiago de Compostela, May 19, 2024 (poster).

Bibliographic Seminar by José Andrés Gallego  (Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)

Bibliographic Seminar by José Andrés Gallego (Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)

Bibliographic Seminar by José Andrés Gallego entitled "La doctrina social de la Iglesia" (11:00h).
Santiago de Compostela, April 30, 2024 (poster).

Specialisation seminar by Francisco de Paula Cañas Gálvez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Specialisation seminar by Francisco de Paula Cañas Gálvez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Specialization seminar by Francisco de Paula Cañas Gálvez entitled "Curiales y letrados. Gallegos en la Casa Real de Castilla durante la primera mitad del siglo XV" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, April 25, 2024 (poster).

Celebration of the Book Day at the IEGPS

Celebration of the Book Day at the IEGPS

Open day at the IEGPS library (11:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, April 23, 2024 (poster).

Fourth session of the IV cycle of IEGPS dissemination webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

Fourth session of the IV cycle of IEGPS dissemination webinars (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

"Implicações políticas e sociais do perfil transfronteiriço das ordens religioso-militares", Paula Pinto Costa (U. Porto).
Santiago de Compostela, April 19, 2024 (poster).

Third session of the IV cycle of dissemination webinars of the IEGPS (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

Third session of the IV cycle of dissemination webinars of the IEGPS (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

"A infanta Teresa de Leão e o reordenamento político e eclesiástico do Noroeste hispânico no primeiro quartel do século XII", Luís Carlos Amaral (U. Porto).
Santiago de Compostela, March 22, 2024 (poster).

Specialisation seminar by Sergio Rodríguez Roiloa (UDC) on the occasion of "Día do naturalismo galego" (Day of Galician Naturalism)

Specialisation seminar by Sergio Rodríguez Roiloa (UDC) on the occasion of "Día do naturalismo galego" (Day of Galician Naturalism)

Specialization seminar by Sergio Rodríguez Roiloa entitled "Historia de las (bio)invasiones en Galicia: mecanismos, gestión e impactos en el patrimonio natural" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, March 21, 2024 (poster).

Lecture by Miguel García Fernández (IEGPS, CSIC-Xunta de Galicia) within the framework of Women's Day

Lecture by Miguel García Fernández (IEGPS, CSIC-Xunta de Galicia) within the framework of Women's Day

Lecture by Miguel García Fernández entitled "Conversas con merenda: É posible contar a historia doutro xeito? A historia das mulleres galegas" (18:30h).
Biblioteca e Arquivo de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, March 8, 2024. (more information).

Doctoral seminar of José Martínez Crespo

Doctoral seminar of José Martínez Crespo

Doctoral seminar of José Martínez Crespo entitled “La flota de Indias y el combate de Rande (1699-1704)” (11:00h).
Santiago de Compostela, March 6, 2024 (poster).

Specialization seminar by Maria do Rosário Ferreira (Universidade de Coimbra) and José Carlos Miranda (Universidade do Porto)

Specialization seminar by Maria do Rosário Ferreira (Universidade de Coimbra) and José Carlos Miranda (Universidade do Porto)

Specialization seminar by Maria do Rosário Ferreira (Universidade de Coimbra) and José Carlos Miranda (Universidade do Porto) entitled “A consciência ibérica na obra de D. Pedro, Conde de Barcelos” (12:00h).
Santiago de Compostela, February 28, 2024 (poster).

Second session of the IV cycle of dissemination webinars of the IEGPS (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal" in the framework of the "Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia"

Second session of the IV cycle of dissemination webinars of the IEGPS (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal" in the framework of the "Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia"

"Amor entre fronteras. El concubinato regio entre Galicia y Portugal (ss. XI-XIII)", por Inés Calderón Medina (CCHS – CSIC).
Santiago de Compostela, February 23,  2024 (poster).

Specialization seminar by Lucía Pereira-Pardo, INCIPIT (CSIC) within the framework of the "Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia"

Specialization seminar by Lucía Pereira-Pardo, INCIPIT (CSIC) within the framework of the "Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia"

Specialization seminar by Lucía Pereira-Pardo entitled “De tintas e colorantes. O potencial das técnicas de imaxe e análise non invasiva en bibliotecas e arquivos” (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, February 21, 2024 (poster).

Video-conference "Ciencia en Feminino no IEGPS. As científicas tamén foron á escola" in the framework of the "Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia"

Video-conference "Ciencia en Feminino no IEGPS. As científicas tamén foron á escola" in the framework of the "Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia"

Meeting with the schools participating in the Faro da Escola project and women scientists of the IEGPS.
Santiago de Compostela, February 8, 2024.

Specialization seminar by Luís Rêpas, Universidade de Coimbra – CHSC, Instituto de Estudos Medievais – NOVA/FCSH

Specialization seminar by Luís Rêpas, Universidade de Coimbra – CHSC, Instituto de Estudos Medievais – NOVA/FCSH

Specialization seminar by Luís Rêpas entitled “Abadessas e monjas de Arouca na lírica trovadoresca: novas interpretações” (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, February 7, 2024 (poster).

Exhibition "Os nosos castelos: A Limia, Terra de Torres"

Exhibition "Os nosos castelos: A Limia, Terra de Torres"

Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento, January 29 to February 29, 2024.

First session of IV cycle of dissemination webinars of the IEGPS (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

First session of IV cycle of dissemination webinars of the IEGPS (2024): "Vidas medievales entre Galicia y Portugal"

"Los gallegos de Alfonso Enríquez... Un análisis sobre la sociabilidad aristocrática gallego-portuguesa (siglos XII-XIII), João Paulo Martins Ferreira (IEGPS-CSIC).
Santiago de Compostela, January 26, 2024 (poster).

Specialization seminar by Guillermo Fernández Ortiz, Universidad de Oviedo

Specialization seminar by Guillermo Fernández Ortiz, Universidad de Oviedo

Specialization seminar by Guillermo Fernández Ortiz entitled "La Congregación Cisterciense de Castilla. Tipos documentales y conservación documental" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, January 18, 2024 (poster).

Previous years

Exhibition "Os nosos castelos: A Limia, Terra de Torres".

Exhibition "Os nosos castelos: A Limia, Terra de Torres".

Exhibition framed in the Science and Technology Week 2023.
Casa da Cultura de Xinzo de Limia (Ourense), 17 November to 17 December 2023.
(more information)

The IEGPS, together with the CSIC Delegation in Galicia, participates in CULTURGAL 2023

The IEGPS, together with the CSIC Delegation in Galicia, participates in CULTURGAL 2023

Activity: "“Buscando o Seminario de Estudos Galegos”.
Pontevedra, December 2, 2023.
(more information)

Specialization seminar by Mireia Comas Via

Specialization seminar by Mireia Comas Via

Specialization seminar by Mireia Comas Via entitled "Ser vieja, viuda y pobre en la Edad Media" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, November 27, 2023 (poster).

Specialization seminar by Luis Díaz González de Viana

Specialization seminar by Luis Díaz González de Viana

Specialization seminar by Luis Díaz González entitled "Literatura de cordel oral e impresa: problemas en torno al estudio del folklore y las ‘culturas populares’" (10:30h).
Santiago de Compostela, October 19, 2023 (poster).

Route through the history of women in Santiago de Compostela as part of the G-Night (European Researchers' Night)

Route through the history of women in Santiago de Compostela as part of the G-Night (European Researchers' Night)

Route addressed to the general public entitled "A pegada das mulleres nas rúas de Compostela: unha viaxe pola nosa historia”.
Santiago de Compostela, September 29, 2023, at 19h (poster).

Paleography workshop as part of G-Night (European Researchers' Night)

Paleography workshop as part of G-Night (European Researchers' Night)

Workshop aimed at young people, between 11 and 14 years old, entitled "Que non, que non é élfico! Obradoiro para descifrar as escrituras antigas".
Santiago de Compostela, September 29, 2023, at 18h (poster).

Specialization seminar by Luis Gorrochategui Santos

Specialization seminar by Luis Gorrochategui Santos

Specialization seminar by Luis Gorrochategui Santos entitled "La carabela San Lesmes: datos para la reconstrucción de su singladura" (11:00h).
Santiago de Compostela, September 26, 2023 (poster).

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