

The Galician Manor House (13th-17th centuries): documents, lineages and armouries

The Galician Manor House (13th-17th centuries): documents, lineages and armouries

Principal Investigators: Pablo S. Otero Piñeyro Maseda and Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés.
Funding Body: Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Period: 2023-2026.
Objective: To socially contextualise and harness the monumental, artistic, and documentary heritage of Galician manor houses, especially regarding the social organisation of these spaces and the presence in the Galician geography not only of the so-called manor architecture but also of the wide range of examples conceived to perpetuate their memory.

Royal Treasury, Power, and Society in Galicia during the Transition from the Medieval to the Modern Age (1450-1550)

Royal Treasury, Power, and Society in Galicia during the Transition from the Medieval to the Modern Age (1450-1550)

Principal Investigator: Amparo Rubio Martínez.
Funding Body: Vicepresidencia de Investigación Científica y Técnica, CSIC. 
Period: 2022-2023.
Objective: The project aims to thoroughly explore the knowledge of the fiscal structures and taxation systems of the kingdom of Galicia during the Late Medieval period, paying attention to the relationship established by the royal power with the power of the nobles through their participation in the monarchy’s revenue.



Principal Investigator: Antón M. Pazos.
Funding Body: Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural, Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional y Universidades, Xunta de Galicia.
Period: 2021-2024.
Objective: The general aim of the “NEOWAYS” research agreement is to thoroughly explore the interdisciplinary knowledge of the phenomenon of St. James’ pilgrimage; the objective is a conceptual design and the practical application of a methodological tool for the identification and outlining of “new” routes for the St. James’ Way in Galicia and its relationship with other historical territories.


La casa señorial en Galicia (siglos XIII-XVI). Materiales para su estudio.

La casa señorial en Galicia (siglos XIII-XVI). Materiales para su estudio.

Lead researcher: Pablo S. Otero Piñeyro Maseda.
Financing body: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (HAR2017-82480-P).
Time period: 2018-2021. 
Objective: To undertake a global deliberation about Galician manor houses from the 13th to 16th centuries using a solid heuristic basis, in order to establish their defining features and a precise outlook of the processes that forged and gave rise to them during that period.  (more information)

Linaje, parentela y poder: la pirámide nobiliaria gallega (siglos XIII al XV) (II).

Linaje, parentela y poder: la pirámide nobiliaria gallega (siglos XIII al XV) (II).

Lead researcher: Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés. 
Financing body: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (HAR2013-42985-P).
Time period: 2015-2017. Extended until December, 2018.
Objective: Identifying and studying the internal structure of a representative group of noble families, examining the networks of relationship and clarifying the process of the hierarchical organisation of the Galician nobility throughout the later centuries of the Middle Ages.

Las peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: entre tradición y modernidad en el contexto europeo.

Las peregrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: entre tradición y modernidad en el contexto europeo.

Lead researcher: Antón M. Pazos. 
Financing body: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (HAR2014-58753-P).
Time period: 2015-2017. Extended until June, 2018.
Objective: Analyzing the Jacobean 're-inventio' in 1879 within the new archaeological approaches to sacred and the newly emerging means of communication of the late nineteenth-century, in a comparative study with other Spanish and European pilgrimage shrines.

Linaje, parentela y poder: la pirámide nobiliaria gallega (siglos XIII al XV) (I).

Linaje, parentela y poder: la pirámide nobiliaria gallega (siglos XIII al XV) (I).

Lead researcher: Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés.
Financing body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2010-18378).
Time period: 2011-2013.
Objective: Identifying and studying the internal structure of a representative group of noble families, examining the networks of relationship and clarifying the process of the hierarchical organisation of the Galician nobility throughout the later centuries of the Middle Ages.

El encuadramiento obrero en la España de la posguerra. (ENOBREP).

El encuadramiento obrero en la España de la posguerra. (ENOBREP).

Lead researcher: Antón M. Pazos.
Financing body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2010-17955/HIST).
Time period: 2011-2013.
Objective: A study of the manoeuvres for the control of workers’ organisations and the internal conflicts in the Francoist era through the Falange and the Catholic Church in the fight for the social control of the population.

A cultura dos pazos en Galicia: o Pazo de Tovar. (CULTURPAZ).

A cultura dos pazos en Galicia: o Pazo de Tovar. (CULTURPAZ).

Lead researcher: Antón M. Pazos.
Financing body: Xunta de Galicia (10SEC606033PR).
Time period: 2010-2013.
Objective: CULTURPAZ is a heuristic analysis of the culture and heritage of pazos (manor houses) in Galicia. This project aims to carry out a comparative analysis of similar situations elsewhere in Europe, between the 16th and 19th centuries

CUIUS REGIO. An analysis of the cohesive and disruptive forces destining the attachment of groups of persons to and the cohesion within regions as a historical phenomenon. (CURE).

CUIUS REGIO. An analysis of the cohesive and disruptive forces destining the attachment of groups of persons to and the cohesion within regions as a historical phenomenon. (CURE).

Lead researcher: Dick de Boer, University of Groningen, Netherlands; Lead researcher of  the Portuguese group: Luis Adão da Fonseca; Lead researcher of the Spanish group, integrated in the Portuguese group: Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés.
Financing body: European Science Foundation «EuroCORECODE Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs)», Funded by: ETF, FIST, FCT, GAČR, NURCR, NOW.
Time period: 2010-2013.
Objective:  A diachronic analysis (12th to 19th centuries) of a group of European regions with different morphological, typological and historical variety, in order to understand – in view of their historical processes – how they became legally recognised and strongly united regional entities, or independent states, or poorly identified cultural regions.

Mulleres escritoras na Galicia do século XIX.

Mulleres escritoras na Galicia do século XIX.

Lead researcher: Antón M. Pazos.
Financing body: Secretaría Xeral da Igualdade. Xunta de Galicia (SI427C2011/02-0).
Time period: 2011.
Objective: An analysis of the active participation of women in the production of written texts – mainly, though not exclusively, literary texts – in 19th century Galicia.

Mulleres con poder ao final da Idade Media: o testamento, a morte e a memoria.

Mulleres con poder ao final da Idade Media: o testamento, a morte e a memoria.

Lead researcher: Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés.
Financing body: Secretaría Xeral da Igualdade. Xunta de Galicia (SI427C2011/03-0).
Time period: 2011.
Objective: The compilation, transcription and study of previously unseen material with the aim of publishing a volume on this subject.

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