El destacamento penal de las minas de wolfram de Valborrás (Casaio de Valdeorras).
Anejo 42, 2016, CSIC; Xunta de Galicia, 763 pp.
Abstract: This work is a historical study of the penal detachment of the wolfram mines of Valborrás de Casaio (Ourense) from its foundation in September 1942 until its closure in early July 1944. In this detachment, located in one of the easternmost points of Galicia, 463 convicts, all of them Republican ex-combatants in the Civil War, from almost all the Spanish geography, redeemed their sentences through work. The study begins with a brief description of the historical evolution of wolfram mining in the geographical area where the Valborrás mines are located. This is followed by the reasons that led to the creation of a penitentiary centre in these mines and the arrival of the first prisoners. The study ends with a brief reference to the Local Board of the Probation Service of the municipality of Carballeda, constituted in 1943, to control and regulate the probation population.
How to cite: Isidro GARCÍA TATO, El destacamento penal de las minas de wólfram de Valborrás de Casaio (Carballeda de Valdeorras), Santiago de Compostela, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Xunta de Galicia, 2016 (Anejos de Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos, 42).